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Working Mothers

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Hemlock Grove

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Small, shady and fun little ice climbing crag that has the climb Winterlude. A name has finally surfaced for this place and it is being called Hemlock Grove. It is predominately all hemlocks at the crag but with hemlock woolly adelgid recently found in Conway please keep your fingers crossed on their survival.

The erosional forces of glacial meltwaters hastened the carving of the narrow gorge of the Clear Fork of the Mohican River. This gorge cuts into the sandstone bedrock exposing huge outcroppings and creating steep cliff walls. The gorge is more than one thousand feet wide at the top and over three hundred feet deep. The striking Clear Fork Gorge with its towering hemlocks and stands of old-growth white pine is of national significance. The National Park Service has thus dedicated the area as a Registered National Natural Landmark.

The Mohican-Memorial State Forest surrounds the park and contains great plant and animal diversity. Ridge tops contain stands of white, red and black oaks, red maple, and white pine. Beech, ash, and tulip can be found in the middle and lower slopes with hemlock and yellow birch. The bottomlands contain sycamore, willow, buckeye, hawthorn, and dogwood. The diversity of ferns in this region is astounding with as many as fifteen different species identified, including the rare walking fern. 59ce067264


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