Centova Cast Nulled 3
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Centova Cast Nulled 3
This simple app does not allow creating any playlists, so it can be used to broadcast the sound from your microphone, line-in input, an external mixer of from a different software.1. Before you start the configuration process, log in to the Centova Cast Panel and select the Quick Links section.
If you would like to use AutoDJ and broadcast live using BUTT, you need to create at least one DJ account in Centova Cast Control Panel by selecting the DJ option in the menu of Centova Cast Control Panel.Check this tutorial to see how to create DJ accounts
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SHOUTCast Icecast AIO Radio Station Player. Free with any server purchased. Extreme customizable, CSS3 Transitions, MP3 AAC OGG HTML5. All-in-one Radio Station Player Supports:Shoutcast V1 V2, Icecast, KH and direct information from stream it self using ICY-METADATA.
Centova has many features! One among those is a list of 5 html+javascript snippets to show information about your radio station on your webpage. Implementation of these code snippets in your webpage is not really much of a difficulty as proper guidelines exist to help you. In Drupal though this procedure is better implemented with a module. Centovacast module! 1e1e36bf2d
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